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Thoughts on walking as an exercise and how to make it effective


Everyone walks but how? That is the question.

Let’s dissect it for all.

So a walk can be a recreational stroll. This is a physical activity. To make it an exercise you have to walk with a “purpose “ or a “plan”. You could do this alone or in company, but the company has to be exercise focused. This does not mean that the walk is not enjoyable. Exercise & enjoyment should go hand in hand. It’s just that the walk has to be self challenging. You have to either challenge the time ie the speed factor of your walk or the distance factor. Try to complete a predetermined distance in a progressively shorter time or if you cannot walk or run faster you should increase the distance you walk. Either of these techniques will improve your heart or cardiovascular endurance  & lung capacity gradually. 

So, walking is a fantastic exercise if done as an exercise. Points to keep in mind while walking:

  • Look forward to your walk everyday. Be eager.

  • Hydrate yourself sufficiently 

  • Wear comfortable cotton wear

  • Sports shoes or keds are preferable

  • Pre-decide your strategy. Distance or speed ?

  • Wear your watch 

Technical tips

  • Note the time just before you begin the walk

  • Fix the distance you will walk

  • Walk with a straight body posture or a slight lean forward. 

  • Breathe normally & regularly as you walk

  • Take reasonable strides, not too short or too long.

  • Drive the foot going forward with your toe

  • Maintain centre of gravity & your balance

  • You have to move your shoulders & arms. This is a must. Will give you speed & momentum.

  • Walk slowly at first & pick up speed with time. Slow down if you feel tired. 

  • Note the finish time of your walk after completing the  predetermined distance.

  • Do not sit down immediately after walking

  • Stroll a bit

  • Get your breathing in control, stretch passively 

  • Relax 

Hope you enjoy your next walk 😊


Thank you for your time,

Dr. Wagh.

Founder and Head Coach of Golden Hearts.



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